Sunquakes are seismic emissions visible on the solar surface, associated with some solar flares. Although discovered in 1998, they have only recently become a more commonly detected phenomenon. Despite the availability of several manual detection guidelines, to our knowledge, the astrophysical data produced for sunquakes is new to the field of Machine Learning. Detecting sunquakes is a daunting task for human operators and this work aims to ease and, if possible, to improve their detection. Thus, we introduce a dataset constructed from acoustic egression-power maps of solar active regions obtained for Solar Cycles 23 and 24 using the holography method. We then present a pedagogical approach to the application of machine learning representation methods for sunquake detection using AutoEncoders, Contrastive Learning, Object Detection and recurrent techniques, which we enhance by introducing several custom domain-specific data augmentation transformations. We address the main challenges of the automated sunquake detection task, namely the very high noise patterns in and outside the active region shadow and the extreme class imbalance given by the limited number of frames that present sunquake signatures. With our trained models, we find temporal and spatial locations of peculiar acoustic emission and qualitatively associate them to eruptive and high energy emission. While noting that these models are still in a prototype stage and there is much room for improvement in metrics and bias levels, we hypothesize that their agreement on example use cases has the potential to enable detection of weak solar acoustic manifestations.
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Traditionally, robots are regarded as universal motion generation machines. They are designed mainly by kinematics considerations while the desired dynamics is imposed by strong actuators and high-rate control loops. As an alternative, one can first consider the robot's intrinsic dynamics and optimize it in accordance with the desired tasks. Therefore, one needs to better understand intrinsic, uncontrolled dynamics of robotic systems. In this paper we focus on periodic orbits, as fundamental dynamic properties with many practical applications. Algebraic topology and differential geometry provide some fundamental statements about existence of periodic orbits. As an example, we present periodic orbits of the simplest multi-body system: the double-pendulum in gravity. This simple system already displays a rich variety of periodic orbits. We classify these into three classes: toroidal orbits, disk orbits and nonlinear normal modes. Some of these we found by geometrical insights and some by numerical simulation and sampling.
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Collaborative autonomous multi-agent systems covering a specified area have many potential applications, such as UAV search and rescue, forest fire fighting, and real-time high-resolution monitoring. Traditional approaches for such coverage problems involve designing a model-based control policy based on sensor data. However, designing model-based controllers is challenging, and the state-of-the-art classical control policy still exhibits a large degree of suboptimality. In this paper, we present a reinforcement learning (RL) approach for the multi-agent coverage problem involving agents with second-order dynamics. Our approach is based on the Multi-Agent Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithm (MAPPO). To improve the stability of the learning-based policy and efficiency of exploration, we utilize an imitation loss based on the state-of-the-art classical control policy. Our trained policy significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art. Our proposed network architecture includes incorporation of self attention, which allows a single-shot domain transfer of the trained policy to a large variety of domain shapes and number of agents. We demonstrate our proposed method in a variety of simulated experiments.
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持续学习系统将知识从先前看到的任务转移以最大程度地提高新任务的能力是该领域的重大挑战,从而限制了持续学习解决方案对现实情况的适用性。因此,本研究旨在扩大我们在不断加强学习的特定情况下对转移及其驱动力的理解。我们采用SAC作为基础RL算法和持续的世界作为连续控制任务的套件。我们系统地研究SAC(演员和评论家,勘探和数据)的不同组成部分如何影响转移功效,并提供有关各种建模选项的建议。在最近的连续世界基准中评估了最佳的选择,即称为clonex-sac。 Clonex-SAC获得了87%的最终成功率,而Packnet的80%是基准中的最佳方法。此外,根据连续世界提供的指标,转移从0.18增至0.54。
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手动检查粪便涂片样品以鉴定寄生卵的存在非常耗时,只能由专家进行。因此,需要自动化系统来解决此问题,因为它可以与严重的肠道寄生虫感染有关。本文回顾了微观图像中关于寄生卵检测和分类的ICIP 2022挑战。我们描述了此应用程序的新数据集,该数据集是同类数据集的最大数据集。参与者在挑战中使用的方法及其结果及其结果进行了汇总和讨论。
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深度神经网络是当今离线增强学习中最常用的功能近似值。先前的工作表明,接受TD学习和梯度下降训练的神经网可以表现出隐式正则化,可以通过这些网络的参数化不足来表征。具体而言,已经观察到在训练期间,倒数第二个特征层的排名(也称为\ textit {有效等级})急剧崩溃。反过来,这种崩溃被认为是为了降低模型在学习后期进一步适应的能力,从而导致最终表现降低。有效等级和绩效之间的这种关联使离线RL的有效等级引人注目,主要用于离线政策评估。在这项工作中,我们对三个离线RL数据集的有效等级与绩效之间的关系进行了仔细的实证研究:Bsuite,Atari和DeepMind Lab。我们观察到,直接关联仅存在于受限的设置中,并且在更广泛的超参数扫描中消失。此外,我们从经验上确定了三个学习的阶段,这些阶段解释了隐式正则化对学习动力学的影响,并发现单独进行引导不足以解释有效等级的崩溃。此外,我们表明其他几个因素可能会混淆有效的等级与绩效之间的关系,并得出结论,在简单假设下研究这种关联可能会产生高度误导。
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